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Prophetic Series - Day 1

I, Solomon Olufemi honour the God Head; the Three in One and One in Three; the pioneering Fathers of all things, visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. They are the Ground and Pillar of Truth and also the Creator of the Prophetic Realm and the first to weird its powers.

I honour the Twenty four elders, the pillars and structural beings of all the realms of God's Creation; the pillars upon which every thing is built.

I honour every member of the Council of Prophets in Heaven from father Abraham to other members of the Council both on Earth and in Heaven.

I honour Adam, the first man created in God's image and likeness and the first man to speak and act prophetically when he named the animals and when Eve was brought to him.

I honour Enoch, a most likely member of the two Olive Trees that stand before the God of Heaven and the Earth. A man that has been, never tasted death and is still to come. A prophet and preacher of righteousness. He prophesied about the second coming of Jesus as recorded by Jude. I honour him, a man with a prophetic book with mysteries too deep to be understood by a commoner. I guess that's one of the reasons the book is not part of the Canon of the Bible.

I honour Abraham, the man that God Himself introduced to King Abimelech as a prophet(first time the word was mentioned in the Bible); he located the Promised Land through prophetic insights, discerned the theophany in Melchizedek when he paid tithe to Him and accomplished many other great feats through prophetic insights.

I honour Moses, a type of my Lord Jesus. He led the Israelites (a type of the Church) out of Egypt (a type of the world) enroute to the Promised Land (a type of Zion).

I honour all the females prophets in the recorded and unrecorded history of the Bible up till now. People like Miriam (a judge and a prophetic psalmist), Deborah (a prophet, judge, a warrior and a prophetic psalmist) and Anna who tarried in prayer and fasting and enjoyed some levels of immortality till Jesus was born. (More will still be said concerning them in this series).

I honour Samuel, the first prophet and priest to anoint a king in Israel. The first one to have a School of Prophets. The first one to a create a very powerful magnetic prophetic force field that Saul that was miles away with an evil intention came under the influence of this force field and began to prophesy from a town outside of Ramah until he came to the centre of the force field in Ramah. In these days and time, God is raising an End time Prophetic Company; The Joel 2 Company after the order of Prophet Samuel.

I honour Elijah, a prophet and a man that did many astonishing things by the operations of the Power Gifts. A man that John the Baptist, the last leg under the old dispensation came in his spirit. Not only that, he is also a most likely member of the Two Olive Trees (the prophets) that will stand against the Antichrist during his reign.
I honour all other prophets mentioned in the Old Testament like Nathan, Gad, all the sons and company of prophets, all major and minor prophets.
I honour all the prophets in the recorded and unrecorded history of the history of the New Testament. People like Agabus, Paul the prophetic scribe, John the beloved (the person that some believe is still alive till now) and all others.

I honour all the prophets in the first Century of the Church history.
I honour all the prophets in the twentieth Century. People who have laboured faithfully and spoke on God's behalf in their days all over the world especially in Nigeria and other parts of Africa. I honour Ayo Babalola of the CAC, a man that pioneered the Pentecostal Movement in Nigeria. A man that was the first to call down literal fire after the order of Elijah at least on the African soil and also did many astonishing miracles. A man that was said of at one that he was the only one of sufficient spiritual stature to eat the food that Angel Michael brought to this planet during one of his few visits. He literarily levitated during the Praise and Worship Session in the Church Service following that encounter.
I also honour all the other prophets in the CAC movement, people like Prophet Obadare, Oyelami, Akande, etc.
I honour Arch Bishop Idahosa, a man that his life and ministry made it possible for us to know that you can be in ministry, work miracles and still be prosperous. He was said to raise more dead people back to life than even Smith Wigglesworth.

I honour all prophets that are currently serving in this planet irrespective of the location.
I count it a privilege to be part of the family of the oldest ministry gift in this our side of eternity; a ministry that started in the Old Testament into the New Testament that even have relevance when time seizes to exist.
 Thank God for the portal of revelation opened unto me and the download of books from the Heavenly Library as touching the truths that will have me unveil concerning this ministry.
I bow in reference as I undertake this noble but herculean task.
Heb  7:7 And without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better. Honour makes grace to flow.
Tomorrow's session will feature THE INTRODUCTION TO THE PROPHETIC OFFICE.
Olufemi Solomon.


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