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Holy Spirit 12- The Work of the Holy Spirit in a Believer's Life- Part C

Please, today's broadcast reveals the HIGHEST ROLES THE HOLY SPIRIT have to undertake in individual believer's life. Take it VERY SERIOUSLY.

HE IS THE REVEALER OF SECRETS. John 16:13, 1John2:20. The 7 Eyes run to and fro in the earth. So, nothing is hidden from His eyes. He can reveal things hidden from human's knowledge in the past, present and future. Through the Holy Spirit, there is NOTHING THAT CAN BE HID FROM YOU AND NOTHING SHOULD CATCH YOU UNAWARE.
The Holy Spirit is also called, THE SPIRIT OF SEEING AND KNOWING. Eph. 1:17
He is the ADMINISTRATOR OF THE THRONE OF GOD IN YOUR LIFE: 1Cor. 3:16, 6:17,19. The God-Head reside in you through the Holy Spirit. He is the God at work in you both to will and do of God's pleasure. Phi. 2:13. The Throne of God/authority is limited by the degree of alignment with the Holy Spirit. You must cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He carries out God's will-nature, character, etc  in you.

Jesus can be in your boat and there can be a storm. In fact, His sleep enters the SNORING LEVEL when the storm is critical. Why? Many have turned God to a Deity to be consulted only when there is trouble. Sadonic to say, many pastors are breeding irresponsible sons. Listen, God ISN'T a talisman and THE NAME OF JESUS isn't a magic wand. The character of God must be worked into you. Jesus didn't die so that you can enjoy your life. No, HE CAME SO THAT THE KINGDOM OF GOD CAN FIND EXPRESSION IN/THROUGH YOU. He came so that the same Throne in Heaven may find expression through you.

That's why it is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD that will bring back THE KING OF GLORY. If all a pastor preach is NEW CREATION REALITIES and GRACE MESSAGE, prodigal and irresponsible sons will be the product. Why? This Gospel only emphasized WHAT GOD HAS DONE and the only responsibility of believers is to receive. A careful study reveals that the major part of New Creation Reality teachings are meant for babies. God's intent is to raise SONS that know their RIGHT AND PRIVILEGES and ALSO SERVE THEIR FATHER (Prodigal son's mindset and his elder brother's mindset). May God give you understanding. No time to explain.

He is the Seal of our Salvation. Eph. 4:30. The down payment of our inheritance as sons (offsprings) of God, the guarantee that all of God's promises to us will come to pass.

HE IS THE REVEALER OF GOD'S PURPOSE FOR YOUR LIFE AND YOUR GUIDE EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. Jer. 1:5. Purpose IS NOT INVENTED BUT DISCOVERED and the Revealer is THE HOLY SPIRIT. As you come into Koinonia with Him and you baptise yourself in the aqua of the Word of God, the Holy Spirit will begin to open to you DIFFERENT PAGES IN THE BOOK WRITTEN CONCERNING YOU. Heb. 10:5-9. There is a PURPOSE/ASSIGNMENT BOOK WITH YOUR NAME ON IT IN THE LIBRARY OF HEAVEN. May God give you understanding.
He is the One that will bring into the inheritance of the Father.

He is our Teacher, Coach and Trainer to maturity.  Is. 9:6, Eph. 4:11-16. ROM.8:28-30.
Jesus was also trained by the Holy Ghost. His responsibility is to produce from Church the BRIDE OF CHRIST. Mt. 25 reveals THAT NOT EVERY VIRGINS END UP AS BRIDE. Selah.

He has to recruit THE ENDTIME ARMY. There is an ongoing war between Light and Darkness, there is an upcoming WORLD WAR at Armageddon and Gog and Magog. Rev. 19:11-21,20:8. Jesus needs SOLDIERS not civilians to fight with. The One on the White Horse requires those that have been trained in the SPIRITUAL WEAPONS OF WARFARE to lead them in battle against the millions of demonic soldiers (humans and demons).

It is both a physical and spiritual battle. After the battle, Jesus will reign from Jerusalem (Headquarter) and send His Trained Men as AMBASSADORS to different cities/regions/countries all over the world based on capacities(that have been generated while on earth) to rule the earth in the space the of 1000years- MILLENNIAL REIGN OF CHRIST. These are big reasons for SPIRITUAL MATURITY. May God give you understanding.

I'll stop here now. Time didn't give me the opportunity to produce scriptures for everything especially the controversial points. If you need any clarification, contact me and I will respond.

WhatsApp: 08101025734
EPIGNOSIS NITE holds 26/12/16 by 9pm @ Methodist Church IYANA Church, Iwo Rd., Ib. Do your best to come. Shallom.


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