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Holy Spirit 18- The Seven Spirits of God- Part 5

The fear we are talking about here is NOT the kind that makes you to be afraid, but this fear means REVERENCE, WORSHIP, HONOUR AND OBEISANCE. The Spirit of Reverence is responsible for the worship of God. He commands OBEDIENCE to the Will of God. The timidity of the Omnipotent is the commencity of sagacity. Pro. 9:10, Ps. 111: 10. There is a connection between 'The Fear of God' and 'WISDOM'.

The Holy Spirit has been given to us to make us HOLY. It is the Spirit of Reverence that conveys the Presence and Holiness of God to us. This ministry of the Spirit of Reverence is seriously needed in the Church of today  where immoralities and corruption are spreading like wildfire in the harmattan. The sadonic thing is that the Pulpit Ministers that are supposed to be the quintessential  portraits of the Reverence for God are not exempted from this viral infection.

The kinds of things that go on in some denominations are disgraceful even to be spoken about. No fear of God. No wonder stealing, kidnapping, bombing, corruption and other social ills have lingered for too long in our nation because our God seems to be as powerless as we are. MUCH PRAYERS, LITTLE RESULT. This is our present state. Men that can command deliverance to Jacob are very few.

You can't try anything funny in the old testament. God's judgment would have knocked you out. Aaron lost his two sons in a day and he was warned not to mourn their death because they brought strange fire into the Temple. Lev. 10 : 1-12. Moses didn't make it to the Promised Land because he didn't sanctify/reverence God before the people. Num. 20 :10-15.

There is a mighty struggle today when it comes to obeying God because we didn't reverent, hallow and honour Him enough.
There are many that bear God's vessel today with unclean hands and hearts. Many liars and 'propheliars' abound in the Church today yet, they forget that Ananias and his wife were evicted from this planet because they lied to the Holy Ghost. Act 5:3.


Is it any wonder that we are where we are today?

The Spirit of Reverence has been put in the 7th Dimension because of His importance. If you lack the ministration of the Spirit of Reverence in your life and have the others, you will be powerful but lack character.
As a matter of fact, the authority available at your disposal will be Minimal.

Many believers are defenseless today because they lack the fear of God. Ps. 34 :7
Have you read PS. 34:9 before? 'O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him'.
 Many benefits abound in fearing God; PS.103:11,13,17, Pro.10:27,19:22, 22:4.
 Even the Preacher in summary says 'Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man'. Ecl. 12 :13.

There are realms in God that will remain mysterious to you because your level of reverence for God is not enough to qualify you for such things.

Everything in the Kingdom is NOT a gift. There are things that are given as a reward of obedience.
Cooperate with the Holy Spirit- the God who is at work within you both to will and to do God's pleasure- as He enables you to Fear, Reverence. Honour, Adore, Worship and Adore God.

Worship is not about the songs we sing, it is about our lifestyle demonstrated in our reverence for God beyond the Four Walls of the Church.Selah.

If you have missed any of the editions or questions, contact:
WhatsApp: 08101025734
These broadcasts are prelude to EPIGNOSIS Nite which holds on the 26th of December by 9pm. Theme: HOLY SPIRIT, THOU ART WELCOME TO NIGERIA
@Methodist Church IYANA Church, Ibadan. You are most invited.


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