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Prophecies About 2016 Epignosis Nite (1)

We have done a careful compilation of the promises of the Father. This is not check afterwards to confirm if God did it or not, but to help us receive the promises.

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? (Num23:14)
For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. (Heb 10:37)

Our hearts are fixed on Him that has promised and we have judged Him to be faithful. The following are promises of the Father for, in and through Epignosis Nite.

-There will be Angelic presence such that Angels will be available to handle every section or units alongside the humans.

-I see the ladder of Jacob where Angels ascend and descend. Salvation will come into everything represented in the program. It will be a night of the manifestation of the glory of God.

-Epignosis Nite will be like the night of Passover where the Egyptians will mourn and Israel will rejoice. There will be a lot of massive loot of the enemy.

-Our eyes will be washed with eye salves sufficient enough to see what God wants to do so as to work in symphony with Him. There is rest for every soul. Psalm 65:9 is announced in the realm of the Spirit.

-Different types of eye problem will be corrected as people look at the projector.

-There is a grace that can make a man to overtake those in front academically.

-The meeting will cause a flood in Nigeria that will make every seed (innovations, ideas, books, songs, drama, and ministry) that God has planted in the heart of men to be watered and they will receive life to germinate and bring forth fruits. After the meeting, several new things will come out of the country.

As the LORD sheds more light on His plans, we will keep you abreast.


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