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Prophetic Series - Day 9

I welcome you once again in the name of God the pioneer of the prophetic realm.
We are still discussing the Spiritual Gifts that enable a prophet to become effective in his/her ministry. Today, we are looking at

              THE UTTERANCE GIFTS.
These gifts SAY SOMETHING. These gifts most times are the mouthpiece for the Revelational Gifts that we have already discussed. Let us look at them one after the other.
this is an inspired utterance in an unknown language to the speaker and sometimes to the hearer. There are times the utterance is in the language the hearer knows. God may want to get across to one person/group of persons in the congregation.
 I have already done an extensive teaching on Tongues in the previous series that I have done like HOLY SPIRIT SERIES, SUPERNATURAL SERIES and TONGUES AND WORSHIP SERIES. You can get them on
The Tongues we are talking about here is not the one that is the evidence of the Baptism with the Spirit. You see, you don't have to have a stirring in your heart before you speak in tongues. You don't need a special anointing to pray in tongues but, you've got to have a stirring in your heart before you can give a message in tongues to a congregation.
The tongues that is the initial evidence of the baptism with the Spirit can be operated any time. It is a language. An utterance in tongues in a public meeting goes beyond just speaking in tongues just like you have been doing in your normal prayer time. By the way, if you are following this series and you haven't been baptised in the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues, you have been shortchanging yourself. You can contact me privately for what to do. God's power can be transfered over be internet.
The instructions that Paul the apostle gave in 1 Cor. 14 are basically addressing MINISTERING IN TONGUES IN A PUBLIC MEETING. Don't take them into an extreme to mean that Paul is downplaying Speaking in tongues. The same Paul told the Thessalonians in 1Th.  5:19 Quench not the Spirit.
 5:20 Despise not prophesyings.

TONGUES IS THE ONLY GIFT OF THE SPIRIT THAT WAS NOT IN OPERATION IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. Daniel interpreted the handwriting of an angel. Dan. 5. Jesus that ushered in the New Testament not only prophesied about Tongues in Mk. 16:17 but spoke in tongues in at least different times in the Bible. Tongues is a distinguishing factor of the New Testament and that's why most prophecies especially by the simple gift of prophecy in Public meeting always come by Tongues and Interpretation.

 INTERPRETATION OF TONGUES This is the supernatural ability to interpret an utterance in unknown tongues to a known language. Without an utterance in tongues, this gift doesn't be relevance. Be it known unto you that TONGUES + INTERPRETATION = PROPHECY Those that function in this gift can also interpret the speaking in tongues of other believers. It is imperative to note that INTERPRETATION OF TONGUES IS NOT TRANSLATION OF TONGUES. Interpretation is GIVING THE MEANING OF AN UTTERANCE IN TONGUES. The implication of this is that the Interpretation may be longer or shorter than the real utterance in tongues.
 HOW TO INTERPRET AN UTTERANCE IN TONGUES One of the discoveries that I made when I studied indeptly on TONGUES IN 2009 is this: TONGUES IS THE LANGUAGE OF THE ZIONITES. The same way the Yorubas have their language with which they do all manners of things is the same way we in God's Kingdom have an Heavenly language with which we can pray, talk, sing unto God AND WE CAN ALSO TALK TO OURSELVES. Selah! By the Spirit, I can communicate to you in tongues and you can reply me in tongues and both of us will have perfect knowledge of what we have said. The above came to me by revelation. I now found out later that many believers have been operating in this dimension prior to the time I received this revelation.
A. Deal with the mindset that says tongues is an unknown language to you. As a matter of fact, it is supposed to be majorly unknown to unbelievers not we the believers. Believe you can know what is said in tongues through the anointing of the Holy Ghost.

B. Paul says to pray. 1Cor 14:13 Wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret.
 Paul says to pray that God will give them the meaning of what you have said in tongues. Ask in faith not as a fulfillment major let an obligation. Believe that it is done already.

C. Wait patiently for the interpretation to come. Waiting means to be still, quiet and reduce all physical activities nothing. Don't be in a hurry to conclude the process. There are many times people back off when God is about to speak.

D. Pay attention to your thoughts. The interpretation will come to you as a thought. When you speak it out, more will come. You speak according to the proportion of your faith. ROM. 12:6
Personally, I have been interpreting my tongues (tongues spoken in my private devotions) before interpreting tongues or even prophesying publicly. This is not the rule but, it has a way of boosting your morale.

This is an inspired utterance in a known language. This is not a premeditated utterance at all. Prophets speak from the abundance of a bubbling up or flowing forth of utterance from their spirits. Paul gave us what the prophecies coming from the simple gift of prophecy should accomplish;
1Cor  14:3 But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.
The beautiful thing about prophecy is this PAUL THE APOSTLE SAYS 'WE CAN ALL PROPHESY'. 1 Cor. 14:31. 'All' means everyone of us; from the Pulpit to the pews. All should be able to speak in tongues and interpret.
I will like to stop here today and continue tomorrow.
1Cor  14:13 Wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret.
  14:31 For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.
These two scriptures are the activation key. Use them.

Direct your questions and enquiries to:
  WhatsApp: +2348101025734,
Facebook: Christian Youth Alliance Nigeria or
Twitter: @cya_nigeria
God bless you real good.


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