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Prophetic Series - Day 10

Hello everyone that has been following since inception and those just joining. I greet you in the name of Him that has the Sea of Glass before His Throne reflecting everything in all realms of existence to Him. We are still looking at the Spiritual Gifts that enable the Prophet to be effective in his/her assignment.
 I made an audacious statement at the beginning of this session that ALL THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT MANIFEST IN ONE WAY OR THE OTHER IN THE PROPHETIC OFFICE.
Though this is not true for all prophets but, the fullness of the prophetic office require all spiritual gifts at work.
We have looked at the Revelational Gifts and Utterance Gifts. Now, THE POWER GIFTS.
The Power Gifts are three:
Take note of the names; the correct names are what I gave above.

this is the sudden supernatural release/deposit of the God-kind of faith into the spirit of a believer to believe/receive something specific from God. Selah! Take note of every word in this definition.
 This faith is different from the faith Paul talked about in ROM. 10:17. This one is sudden not gradual. The faith that comes by hearing God's Word comes gradually. It can grow 2Thess. 1:3, increase/decrease, can be little/great Mt. 6:30, 8:10, can be weak/strong ROM. 4:17-21. It is also true that when we got born again, WE WERE ALL GIVEN A MEASURE OF FAITH IN OUR SPIRITUAL START-UP PACK. ROM. 12:3. We all got the same measure at salvation. We all have the Spirit of faith (2 Cor. 4:13) because we have the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Faith.  Some ignoramuses have taught that a believer has faith that he doesn't need to grow in faith or increase in faith. You know just like Kenneth Hagin used to say, 'I'd rather hear the donkey Bray than listen to such folks'. ALL SPIRITUAL TRUTHS HAVE A PRACTICAL ASPECT TO IT. If you can't practicalize it, it is either wrong or you don't have it. Don't deceive yourself, there are many things the Saving Faith can't do. You have got to feed your faith on God's Word. Thank God for the Word of Faith Dispensation. You better go and learn. Faith is seen in action. THE END OF FAITH IS RESULT. THE SPOKEN WORD MUST BECOME MANIFESTED. THE WORD CAN BE MADE FLESH AND DWELL IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD.

You see, there is a CREATIVE DIMENSION TO THE PROPHETIC MINISTRY. The Gift of Faith and Workings of Miracles are largely responsible for this dimension. Without mincing words, THE PROPHETS FUNCTION MORE IN GOD'S ABILITY TO CALL THINGS THAT BE NOT AS THOUGH THEY ARE.
Jesus says in John  14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
The meaning of this verse from the Greek rendering is that even if the thing is not in existence, I WILL CREATE IT.
By what ability did God employed to call forth light right from the belly of darkness? By what ability did Moses brought plagues upon the unrepentant Pharaoh and the Egyptians? How did Elijah called down fire upon the soldiers that were sent to arrest him? How could Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.1 KGS 17:1?
How were the Patriarchs able to pronounce blessings/curses upon their descendants and it came to pass? How was Joshua able to pronounce a curse upon whoever rebuild Jericho and long after he was gone, his decree was very alive in the Earth? By what ability did Jesus engaged in to turn the living fig tree to a load of firewood in less than 24 hours? By what ability did Apostle Ayo Babalola called down literal fire upon witchcraft coven in those days? I am talking about THE GIFT OF FAITH. It is a sudden impartation of faith and it is always directed at something specific. THIS FAITH REMAINS ACTIVE WITHOUT WEAKENING AGAINST ALL CONTRADICTORY EVIDENCES UNTIL THE MISSION IS ACCOMPLISHED.
The faith that comes by studying God's Word had to be kept alive by continually meditating on God's Word until the result show up. This is not completely when the gift of faith is at work. The boldness and the doggedness are matchless. There is no fiery dart of doubt and unbelief that the Infernal Realm can throw that can stop the fulfilment of the words that were spoken when this gift is in operation.
The fulfillment of all Messianic prophecies was sponsored by the operation of the gift of faith.
It is manifested majorly through SPOKEN WORDS.
Most times, it comes on the wing of the gift of Prophecy. Many times, THE PREDICTIONS OF THE PROPHETS ARE CARRIED OUT/BROUGHT INTO EXISTENCE BY THE GIFT OF FAITH.
The future is created by the words spoken out WITH THE GOD KIND OF FAITH. HALLELOYAH!
Let me stop here tonight and continue tomorrow.
2 Cor. 4:13 says 'We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak'. Open your mouth and declare out 'I ALSO HAVE THE SAME SPIRIT OF FAITH. My words are established unto me. I handle the tangibility of my words in Jesus' name. Amen.

Solomon Olufemi (c) 2017
 Nite in Ibadan Nigeria is 17Days away. Get ready
Please read and Share.


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