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Prophetic Series - Day 14

Hello everyone, I welcome you to another edition of this prophetic series. We are still looking at the functions of the Prophets. FUNCTIONS OF PROPHETS IN THE BODY OF CHRIST
 Amos 3:7 says 'Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets'.
 A. Prophets are custodians of Divine secrets. Before God's will is carried out in the Earth, God reveals His secret to His prophets not only those on Earth but also those in Heaven (there are prophets in Heaven and they even have a Council of Prophets-more exposition will still come later). For example, God revealed His plan to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah to Abraham because Abraham was a prophet and a friend of God. Gen. 18:17, 20. God's counsel for His Church and this planets are revealed to prophets for a number of reasons one of which is for them to warn people about it/announce it. Eph. 3:5. Remember I said at the beginning of this series that prophets are mouthpieces/spokesmen of God.

B. In this time of doctrinal errors, heresies and wrong practices, Prophetic Teachers and Apostles are stirred up to arrest the situation. Though in a local Church, the pastor is the highest authority figure which other ministries submit to, but in the Global Church, apostles and prophets are the highest Headship gifts. Even Paul says the Church is built upon the foundation of apostles and prophets; Jesus Christ being the chief Cornerstone. Eph. 2:20. A close look at the Early Church Missionary Journeys revealed that the team consist of apostles and prophets.

 C. Prophets in this End Time have a Special task of putting SPECIFICITY to general prophecies in the Bible and Church history. For example, Isaiah the prophet prophesied that a virgin shall conceive and bare a son... Is. 9 But John the Baptist came on the scene and declare Behold the Lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world. John 1:29. In other word, Old Testament prophets have been prophesying about the coming of Jesus but John the Baptist was the one that now said THIS IS THE SAVIOUR. In the same vane, general prophecies about the Church, world and this End Time will be given specific dates and times. The only exception to this will be the exact day Jesus will return. Even at that, I hope you know that if your spiritual senses and perception are correct, THAT DAY SHOULD NEVER CATCH YOU UNAWARES. 1 Thess. 5:1-6.
 I don't have time now, I would have told you many Biblical prophecies that have been given specific time and persons.

 D. Prophets are like spiritual watchmen upon the watchtower. Every normal citizen of a city can see but, the height upon which Watchmen stand pedestal them to see farther than everyone and sometimes see what others can't see. The essence of seeing farther than everyone is for them to blow the sofar and sound the alarm of either an impending danger or an imminent victory. We see an example of a Biblical occurrence of this when Agabus predicted a worldwide famine. Acts 11:28. This made the Church to be well-prepared for the predicted event. Upcoming events both in the Church and in the world can be predicted by prophets. I have already established that prophets are not primarily set in the Church to guide INDIVIDUAL CHRISTIANS. They are supposed to CONFIRM what you have seen. The only exception is in the case of babies. But, the case is different when we are talking about A LOCAL CHURCH, CORPORATE BODY OF CHRIST AND SPECIFIC GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION. It is very possible for you to know God's will for your life in a particular year and not know what is God's will for a specific Local Church/Community in a given year.      REASON
 You are the prophets over your life but you may not know God's Will for a territory because you are not the prophets over that territory. Prophets placed over territory by God and those that their spiritual statures are high can see things easily.
Pray this prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank you for what you are doing in these days and times. Thank you for setting the prophets as well as other ministries in the Church. I align myself to these ministries to be equipped to do the work of ministry. I corporate 100% with you in carrying out your will at this time. Pour out your grace upon me mightily in this time in Jesus' name.
Direct your questions and enquiries to:
  WhatsApp: +2348101025734,
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Twitter: @cya_nigeria


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