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Prophetic Series - Day 15

 Hello everyone, I welcome you in the name of Him that is called Amen to another day in this Prophetic Series. Today, we are going to be looking at THE QUALITIES OF A PROPHET

 A. A prophet should have a consistent fellowship with God. Even though this is foundational for every believer and all Ministry Gifts, it is very compulsory for Prophets. Is. 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Ministers experience Burn outs because they don't pay attention to WAITING ON GOD.
A Prophet is God's mouthpiece. How can/will you be able to speak effectively on God's behalf if you have not been spending time CONSISTENTLY with Him? You see a prophet is one that should declare WHAT GOD IS SAYING NOW not WHAT GOD HAS SAID. Even though Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever yet, the way He carries out His operations on the Earth changes. Things are susceptible to changes in this planet. So, a prophet must be able to prophesy from the standpoint of the PRESENT POSTURE OF TRUTH. This is one reason CONSISTENT FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD IS IMPORTANT. God told Abraham told go and sacrifice Isaac in one of the mountains of Moriah (a type of Golgotha) that He would show him. Abraham, Isaac and his servants travelled for three days and the instruction is still, 'KILL THE BOY'. Papa Ab. gathered the firewood and set the altar. The instruction is still 'KILL THE BOY'. But between Isaac being tied on the altar and Abraham raising the knife to caught his head, the instruction changed. Fellowship breeds FRESHNESS OF GOD. You can manifest POWER/GIFT even without Fellowship with God. Rom.12:29. But, GOD'S PRESENCE IS A BYPRODUCT OF FELLOWSHIPPING WITH GOD.

One major way to know what God will say is STUDY THE BIBLE. I don't know how you want to survive without studying THE WRITTEN WORD OF GOD. Thank God for the SPOKEN WORD but, you need to have an abundance of the Written Word in you. Col. 3:16, 2 Tim. 2:15. One major issue I have with some prophets is that THEY ARE NOT ACQUAINTED WITH THE NEW TESTAMENT REVELATIONS. Many of them still do ministry after the pattern of their Old Testament counterparts.

C. Prophets are given to PRAYERS AND FASTING. I know Jesus has finished the Work but without Prayers and Fasting, many doors will remain shut. Without prayer and fasting, many things you yearn for spiritually will remain a mirage. Men ought always to pray and not to faint. Luke18:1. I am yet to see a prophet that doesn't have a consistent Prayer Life. Even Jesus that is the embodiment of grace and truth prayed agonizingly.
 Heb. 5:7 Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared;
 5:8 Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;
 We need more wailers and intercessors now than ever before and one of the anointings that God is pouring out in this last days (I am still going to talk deeply on this) is the anointing for PROPHETIC INTERCESSION.

This is a very serious issue in the prophetic circle. Nothing has brought more shame and disgrace to Christianity than lack of good and Godly character. Though, being Born again doesn't mean 'change of character'. You don't have to be born again to stop smoking for example. But, THERE IS NO WAY YOU WILL CLAIM TO BE BORN AGAIN AND EVENTUALLY, YOUR CHARACTER WILL NOT CHANGE. The Disciples were called Christian because of Character. Good Character is a subset of the Redemption Package. You can never be an effective believer let alone a minister of the Gospel when you have Character flaws. People will be left confused when you that just finished Prophesying is using the same mouth to abuse. If you have mouth issue, I RECOMMEND the following Scriptures for you: James 3, Phi. 4:8-9, Col. 4:6, Eph. 4:29, 1 Cor. 13, etc. Prophets are highly susceptible to ANGER. Love is the solution. Even though the LOVE HAS BEEN SHED ABROAD IN OUT HEART BY THE HOLY GHOST GIVEN TO US Rom. 5:5 yet, the responsibility of the manifestation of this love lies with individuals. The love of God must reign supremely over your words, actions, thinking, imagination and every part of you. Anger, Pride, Jealousy, etc are common sins that easily beset prophets. Love must rule you or else, the Power of God in your life will find usefulness in the hand of the Devil. I have heard of prophets that either deliberately or mistakenly have used their grace to curse people. The painful thing is that their prayers couldn't reverse the curse. A balance must be created between justice and love. Because I have heard some ignoramuses that said the following didn't walk in love: Elijah in calling down fire upon the soldiers sent to arrest him, Peter and Ananias and Sapphira, and Paul in dealing with Elymas the sorcerer. If you think these are examples of abuse of power, you have picked the wrong examples. I don't have time to work this thing. If you view love from the dimension that many of those Grace Nonsense Preachers preach it, even God in many occasion didn't walk in love. The contest of teaching love from their perspective can never see a God that will cast people into hell fire or a Jesus that will destroy the same people He died for in millions during the Armageddon War. Justice should be enacted by God's instruction BUT IF YOU HAVE A BAD LOVE WALK, YOU WILL MISUNDERSTAND YOUR LACK OF GODLY CHARACTER FOR THE JUSTICE OF GOD. Selah! Study 1Cor. 13 (Amp). Let me stop here to continue tomorrow.
 Lord I pray that your life and character will find tangible expression in my day to day activities in Jesus' name.

Direct your questions and enquiries to:
  WhatsApp: +2348101025734,
Facebook: Christian Youth Alliance Nigeria or
Twitter: @cya_nigeria
Venue: Methodist Church Iyana Church, Iwo Road, Ibadan by 9pm. GET READY.


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