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Prophecy over Kwara State

Kwara state becomes your land,it must obey it comes to allignment, it gives birth to generals,generals are rising. It becomes my state,people obey and come to allignment,I am making generals from the state,
I am sending generals as an arrow into Ilorin, I am making my children in that state!!! ,I am making intercessors for kwara state, I am building up altar, new altars are rising,we send fire and fire consume them, I have open portals in that place, portals are opening. I bring darkness to an end in that place, anyone that fails to Obey me will face my wrath!!!, Generals are rising my children are obeying me, I've listened to the cry and mournings of you people,I've listened to the cry of the nation ,my beloved children,King,sons and daughters. I've answered you my children I'm sending my angels to Kwara State to go and take charge,my angels are behind the people I am raising up, fire on the altar,I am sending them right now, see them descending Kwara State is coming to harmony, I tell you unity is coming!!! It will be stronger than before, people shall unite,I will take Kwara State, the people will be wondering that is kwara state that easy. Anybody that fails to allign will face wrath, kwara state comes to my obedience. I have intervened, I have seen your mourning, your cry and you hunger for righteousness, I have bring an end to everything,you people shall no longer weep, mourn. Revival will break out by the fourth month Revival is going to break out. I have listened to your cry my children, you have been so faithful, thank you for being faithful to me, thank you for helping me. Thank you for birthing kwara state for me. I am promising revival. It's going to be a revival that my angels will descend, saints will come, mantles of men that's gone to be with me like Babalola, Kathryn kulma, Smith wigglesworth, Kenneth E Hagin, and men that are alive like Benny Hinn, most of you that you've seen these men of God in your dream the mantle is coming upon you. Christian will take kwara state for me, I am releasing Babalola's mantle. They've hanging for so long they will be released. I am releasing Babalola's mantle on my faithful daughter she will move kwara state for me, The angels are rejoicing they are singing Holy holy holy to th the lord. I died on the Cross for you people, see them rejoicing because kwara state has been given to me. Holy holy to the lamb  that was slain. Thank you my children I am happy, you have made me happy. Kwara will admit my children this year that will work for me from their 100 level.

Armies are rising again, Territorial Lord are rising, I am the shining lights I  am shining my light again in kwara state!!!, I am the light of this world,I am shining my light now, Emmanuel!!! I am right here in kwara state, Territorial Lord!!!, my fire is rising in kwara state, my river is flowing, Thunder is striking. Look at yourself!!!!!, I'm here with all of my strength,power, might. There is revival in kwara state, I am breaking forth!! Mo de mo de o (I have arrived). Immortal men are rising invisible army. I'm here again in kwara state, Territorial Lord! They are stepping out now. Aye ra ye  mo de ohh (The Everlasting is around) , Emi awon woli mo de si kwara state (The Spirit of the prophet I've arrived to kwara state).  Kwara is fighting, altar is fighting, kwara state ti gba alejo (kwara state have received visitors), these ones are not normal again,they have wings, we are breaking new contract in the body of Christ. Mo de mo de oh mo de Tina Tina ohh ( I've arrived I've arrived oh I came with fire). Look at the heaven eagle is flying Right now. I am setting you on top. They will never love their lives to death. Kwara state ti gba lejo (kwara state have received visitors), See them, they're eating fire. people will love in kwara state. There is an overflow right now. I'm bringing down limitation in kwara state. Angels are stepping out. I am the mighty one of Isreal, There is a shaking!! There is a searching out right now, Army are rising again,armies of fire. Dry bones are rising again, darkness are broken. Thunder is striking and there are lightnings in kwara state. Immortal men are rising again in kwara state, Territorial Lord are rising. They are invading kwara state. There is a burning again, there is a burning wine again in kwara state. Nameless and faceless armies are rising again.


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