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I welcome you to another edition in this series in the name of Him who died and rose triumphantly on the third day. We are still considering the Joel Army. Today, I am going to be talking about THE ARMIES OF THE LORD.
In the entire Bible, there are THREE ARMIES that were called THE ARMIES OF THE LORD. They are:
Let us talk about them one after the other:
A. THE ARMY LED BY GIDEON. The story can be found between Judges chapter 6- 8.
Notice that Gideon gathered a large army which the Lord reduced to only 300 men. I hope this was not where they got the idea of 300 Spartans? Laugh!
These 300 men that fought with the sword of the Lord and of Gideon did valiantly in battle.

What is the Relevance of this Army to us?
This army typified THE GENERATION OF THOSE WE CALL 'FATHERS IN THE FAITH'. They are not many but few. They taught most of the foundational truths that we are building on; FAITH, HOLY SPIRIT, BAPTISM WITH THE SPIRIT, HOLINESS, ANOINTING, ETC. Many of them fought vehemently and relentlessly to get Christianity to the state of public recognition. Many of them weathered unfavorable storms of persecution and criticism especially with respect to being called 'a man of God'. Nowadays, if you say God has called you into ministry, your critics won't be plentious because some people laboured to see that happen. They have gotten some mouth-watering results that have proven beyond doubts that God is real.
 We cannot be bold to stand up for God were it not for the labours of this army. Thank God for them. I know they have many issues. Doctrinally, many of them are out of alignment. Some of you feel that many of them are too dry and empty but, let wisdom Minister to you that:
1. Were it not for them, you would have still be in sin under the captivity of the Devil. They brought the message of salvation, healing, baptism with the Holy Ghost, prosperity, anointing, etc.
2. The same way you are thinking now that 'they are not worded' is the same way many of them also thought about the Catholic Priests, Anglican Reverends, etc of their days.

Rebellion, arrogance, online insultive comments, destructive criticisms, etc are never proofs of being 'worded'. Learn submission and be patient.
 In this season, MANTLES ARE BEING TRANSFERRED, BATONS ARE CHANGING HANDS, RANKS, THRONES AND AUTHORITIES ARE BEING GIVEN. I speak to the Samuels, the Elis might have lost his eyes and God might abandoned them, BUT THERE ARE MANY INSTRUCTIONS THEY GIVE YOU THAT WILL BE OF TREMENDOUS HELP ON THE WAY. Be wise! Don't be too quick to break out or launch out. The journey is far. Your responsibilities are greater than theirs.

3. If they have known and taught everything and did everything, you will have no relevance in the body of Christ. Many of them have done what they have been called to do.

4. Don't be deceived; that some of them are not teaching what you expect them to teach doesn't mean they don't know what you know. It may be that they weren't authorise to teach it. Charles G. Finney once said that he wasn't permitted to teach most of what he knew. He was just to major on Evangelism, Revival and Soul Winning. Listen, apart from the early disciples, nobody in church history even till now has had his kind of Conversion Result. In a situation where an entire city will become born again and crime, violence and every ungodly business would shut down and they would have to retrain both human and animals to Christlike nature. Oh boy! That is not beans.
Let me stop here and continue tomorrow.
I am Olufemi Solomon.
Call/WhatsApp: +2349095507154

Twitter: @cya_nigeria
 Please, read and share. God bless you!


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