Hello everyone, welcome to another day in this series. We are still considering THE ROLES OF THE JOEL ARMY.
Yesterday, I spoke about The Original Scroll that we are to function with and Portals that connect places together. Some thought I am taking about some spooky things. Listen, why do you think the craze to travel into the outer world is increasing if not that this is supposed to be a normal thing for humanity?
Why do you think all these Superman Series, X Men, etc have captivated the attention of millions of people if not that there is an inner yearning for experiences beyond what have been defined as normal?
Listen, Adamic authority covers everything on land, sea and air. The regions which 'Spiritual Wickedness in Heavenly Places' occupy presently are regions within Adamic jurisdiction. Those demonic forces will still be dethroned in one of the future wars coming up.
Listen, it is the fall that made us to categorize some things as INVISIBLE/SUPERNATURAL REALM. Adam was conscious of both supernatural and natural realm together. He could see Angels the same way he could see animals and other natural things. It was the fall that caused that realm to become obscured to humanity. You should at least know that the fall affected the Ageing Process in man also. So, what God is doing with the Joel Army is that they will redefine what is called 'Normal'. They will do things that should be normal but are called abnormal-above normal. The Joel Army are those that will operate in the full potential of Man after the order of Jesus the commander of the army. Didn't Jesus vanished from people's sight, walked on water, demonstrated authority over nature, weather condition and other incredible feats?
There are portals in this Earth. Spiritually, every city has a gate. Not only this, these gates are LIVING. It means they can talk, move, etc. Have you not read Ps. 24 before? Don't you know that it was the Gate that was asking the question 'who is the King of Glory'? PS. 24:7-10
The Joel Army will function in incredible wisdom and precision. They will have insight into mysteries and pathways that connects Cities and nations together so much that they can travel supernaturally without the radar system of both human and demons detecting them and do terrible things in righteousness.
The Law of Gravity is created for man and not against man. This company will know how to harness the force of gravity and other natural laws to the furtherance of God's Will. The prophet says 'BLOW THE TRUMPET IN ZION AND SOUND THE ALARM ON GOD'S HOLY MOUNTAIN'.
This company arise in every tribe and tongue. Arise oh soldiers! Wake up from your slumber! The sons of the bondwoman have plundered your sanctuaries. Arise oh fiery ones. Brace yourself! It is time for war. It is time for the great harvest. Labourers can no longer be few in these days. Many people are needed in this army. Recruitment is still ongoing. He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Church.
In this year, make up your mind to heed to this call. You should no longer be part of those that are at ease in Zion. God bless you.
I am Olufemi Solomon.
WhatsApp: +2349095507154
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