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Hello everyone, I welcome you in the name of Him who died and rose triumphantly on the third day to another day in this series. We are still looking at the 'Project Man'. I talked about the Three types of Men that exist in the Adamic Civilization; Adam, Jesus and the Antichrist. Out of these three men, Jesus Christ has been elevated above the other two.
We are still going to explore Jesus Christ but let me show you the scripture first.
'Heb. 1:8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.
1:9 Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows'.
This is a very popular scripture but many of us have not paid attention to a particular phrase there.
'hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows'.

Angels! No, angels couldn't have been His fellows since He created them.
The God Head! Ha! No, it can't be. For God the Father is the One that anointed Him above these fellows. Who then are the FELLOWS?
I submit to you that the 'fellows' are ADAM AND THE ANTICHRIST.
They are the only set of people that can match up as 'fellows' to the Son of God. This is in Jesus' capacity as MAN'S REPRESENTATIVE.
Jesus the Christ has been anointed with the Oil of Gladness above Adam and the Antichrist.
Pastor Chris Okotie wrote a novel many years ago titled, 'THE LAST OUTCAST'.
I borrowed the book from one of our Excos members back then in School and he ended up giving it to me because he said he couldn't made any sense out of it. I must confess that, that is the biggest book I have started and finished at once. Many deep stuffs were shared in there beyond the cognitive ability of an average Christian. The thrust of the book is that these three men were cast out of God's Presence; Adam at the Garden of Eden, Jesus on the Cross when He bore our sins (Mk. 15:34) and the Antichrist is going to be the LAST OUTCAST when he will choose to be the heir of the Devil. His birth and many things about him is supposed to be just like Jesus'. Some prophets already prophesied that the Antichrist had been born some couple of years back (less than five years). I am not referring to all these mysterious children having horns and other weird stuffs. The Antichrist is 100% man and 100% Devil.

There are many things to say about Him. Let us take it one after another:
A. Christ is NOT the second name of Jesus. Just like I will say 'Olufemi Solomon'. No! Christ means 'THE ANOINTED ONE AND HIS ANOINTING'. So, Jesus Christ means 'JESUS THE ANOINTED ONE'.
B. Jesus is 100% GOD and 100% MAN. The GOD MAN JESUS. He is TWO IN ONE, so to speak!
1. He is God because His conception was not from the sexual relationship between Joseph and Mary Luke 1 vs 31-38. Joseph was just his foster father.
2. Jesus Christ is God because HE IS THE WORD OF GOD MADE FLESH; the God in human form. John 1 vs. 14.
3. Jesus once said to the Pharisees 'Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad'. John 8:56
He couldn't have been referring to the period of time He was physically on Earth. Many other scriptures stressed that Jesus is God.
Some couple of weeks back, a dear lady told me about some guys on Facebook using Scriptures to proof that Jesus is not God; 'He is the Son of God'. I wanted to join the debate but, their folly and darkness of heart are beyond this realm. I just abandoned it altogether.
I don't have time to run all the scriptures but these are the ones I could quickly lay hold on: John 1 vs. 1-16, Phil. 2:6, 1 Tim. 3:16, Titus 2:13, Hebrews 1:8.
4. Jesus is God because our salvation hangs on THE DIVINITY IN HIS HUMANITY. What do I mean? All men (past, present and future) have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. ROM. 1:23. The blood of the best of man CANNOT ATONE FOR THE SIN OF ANOTHER. Why? The Sin gene was passed down to all of us. It takes a SINLESS BLOOD TO REDEEM A SINFUL MAN. Hence, Jesus Christ.
Let me stop here tonight. I have not forgotten that we are looking at the Project Man. Tomorrow, I will talk about the Humanity of Jesus and hopefully conclude on Project Man.
May God bless you abundantly.
Olufemi Solomon is my name.
WhatsApp: +2349095507154
I am specially inviting everyone in Ibadan and her environs to our Quarterly 10 Hours Prayer Program holding tomorrow from 7pm - 5am. It is going to be awesome!
You can call 08087836813 for details.


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