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Hello everyone, I welcome you in the name of the Lord of Host to another day in this series. Yesterday, I started talking about THE ARGUMENTS THAT HAVE EMANATED FROM JOHN 3:34;  CAN A SINGLE BELIEVER HAVE THE SPIRIT WITHOUT MEASURE AFTER THE ORDER OF JESUS? The answer is A YES AND NO WITH SOME CLAUSES.

1. The word 'SPIRIT' talks about THE VARIOUS KINDS OF ANOINTINGS AND ENDOWMENTS THAT CAN COME UPON BELIEVERS. In this case, we must understand that THE FULLNESS OF THE ANOINTINGS HAS BEEN POURED UPON THE BODY OF CHRIST. Col. 1:19 and 2:9. No single individual has EVERY ANOINTING OPERATING IN HIS/HER LIFE AT ONCE. This explains why some certain kinds of miracles/healings happen in some churches/a particular minister's program and not in other places. Some are anointed to open BLIND EYES but the 'Lame may not walk' there.

2. Also, when you study the Gifts of the Spirit, you will observe that some of them are pluralistic in nature;  A. Divers kind of Tongues B. Gifts of Healings C. Workings of Miracles D. Discerning of Spirits. The above shows that NO ONE HAS IT ALL. Paul told the entire Church in Corinth to follow after love and DESIRE/COVET SPIRITUAL GIFTS. 1 Cor. 14: 2.

3. Another point is this even if in the Ministry Gifts,  A. They are not for everyone.  Eph 4:11 and 1Cor 12:29-30. B. Even those that are now given, there are ranks and varieties in it based on the kind of people you are sent to, geographical locations, language differences, literacy level, problems and peculiar needs of people, etc.  This is the reason Jesus says to 'pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send LABOURERS (not labourer) into His harvest' Mt. 9 vs. 38 because THERE ARE DIFFERENT KINDS OF HARVEST. Don't deceive yourself to think you are sent to everyone. I can't imagine if God will have to depend on me to BRING THE ENTIRE BODY OF CHRIST GLOBALLY TO SPIRITUAL MATURITY. Don't deceive yourself to thinking you are sent and can minister to everyone. Wake up! Stop day dreaming.

Now, let us move over to the YES PART and explore and balance the points of those who don't believe in the NO. 1. Eph. 3:19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God. 2. John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. 3. 1Jn 4:17 Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. The above scriptures have been the major bases for those that believe that A SINGLE BELIEVER CAN POSSESS THE SPIRIT WITHOUT MEASURE. You will hear things like 'if He says I will do what He did and even greater, then I must have what He had (AND NOT LESS THAN IT) that made Him to do what He did'.

Listen, JESUS FUNCTIONED IN ALL THE MINISTRY GIFTS WHILE ON EARTH. He was an Apostle (of the highest rank) as He was Sent by God the Father to redeem man back to Him.  He was a Prophet as He operated in all the Spiritual Gifts under the Office of a Prophet. He was an Evangelist in that He preached the Gospel of the Kingdom.  He was a Pastor in that He is the Great Shepherd and the Bishop of our Soul.  He was The Great Rabbi and this conspicuously obvious when you study the Synoptic Gospel.

WHAT IS THE BALANCE BETWEEN THE 'YES' AND THE 'NO' The balance is this, IN YOUR SPECIFIC AREA OF CALLING, YOU CAN ACCESS THE FULLNESS OF GOD IN THAT AREA.  It means, IN THAT AREA, YOU CAN DO WHAT JESUS DID AND EVEN DO MORE THAN HIM. This is how we should see Eph. 3:20, John 14:12 and 1 John 4:16.  There are many people today that have done more miracles than Jesus; rose more people from the dead than Jesus, preached to more people than the entire population of Israel when Jesus walked this planet, taught more than Jesus did, fed more people miraculously than Jesus, and the list goes on.  Listen, the plan of God is this, IN YOUR SPECIFIC AREA OF CALLING, THE LEAST YOU SHOULD DO IS WHAT JESUS DID.

This is the plain Bible Truth and not heretical.  Jesus Christ is not suffering from inferiority complex to think you are competing with Him when you strife to do more than Him. It was said of St. Patrick of Ireland that there was a time he wrote to his friend that he didn't understand how God was working through him that he had done miracles that had no precedence in the Bible. It means some of his miracles had no Biblical reference. This was someone that, part of the signs he gave to the then king of Ireland was to use his staff to sign his signature of the graveyard of the son of that king that had been buried for about six months. Listen, they dug out A LIVING BOY that had died for SIX MONTHS. I have heard of people that had raised those that have been embalmed back to life after WEEKS OF EMBALMMENT. Jesus' own was 4 Days (Lazarus). 

We are in the DAYS OF GREATER WORKS. The highest the apostles got saved at once was 5,000. We have those that beaten that record in multiple folds. JESUS IS MAN'S REPRESENTATIVE. HE CAME TO SHOW US WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE CAN DO. He is THE COMPLETE MAN AND THE COMPLETION OF PROJECT MAN. He sits at the right hand of God the Father (THE HIGHEST PLACE OF AUTHORITY IN ALL REALMS OF EXISTENCE) in His bloodless body of FLESH AND BONES.  HE IS A MAN AND WILL FOREVER REMAIN THAT WAY. Hallelujah! Let me stop here. Tomorrow, I will talk about THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ADAM AND JESUS. My name is Olufemi Solomon You can ask any questions and also request for any of the day you have missed through this number: +2349095507154 Please READ AND SHARE! Shalom!


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