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A Great Lesson My Boss Taught Me

Sometimes ago, I attended a meeting where I met a white man. He is the type of man that ladies would describe as tall, dark and handsome. From my judgment, he would either be a military officer or someone who is very concerned about his body shape. He is quite tall and his wide chest was almost making me to despise the little beginnings above my tommy. I was already sitting before he came in and as soon as the ushers spotted him, they led him to the front seat. Before long, he was called to the podium to speak and he said he will tell us “a great lesson his boss taught him”.

“The story of my life changed when I met a man. At that time, he was a fugitive, wanted by every law enforcement agency. He was charged with felony and instead of turning himself in, he took to the mountains. I was discontented with my life at that time and I got to know that people in my state were going to join this rebel in the mountains. My boss was a national hero before he was charged with felony”.

“Our little group comprised of people who were in distress, debt or discontented and my boss became our captain. We formed a small army and we moved from place to place so as to steer clear of the law enforcement agencies. Surviving was very hard because all forms of technology available to the government were been used to discover our location. We had no choice than to make hunger our friend and many times, sleep was an enemy because we had to be on the move for many nights. Our condition was a terrible one, but at least, we were alive”.

“It was at the time that the country was led by a Junta. The Junta became very dissatisfied with the operations of his search party as he saw my boss as a threat to his government, so he decided to lead the team himself. The news terrified us and we ran into a cave. The villagers around us had betrayed us and told the Junta that we were in their village. This often happens as everyone who gives the government any information about us gets rewarded”.

“All hands were on deck; the village had been surrounded. We could hear our heart beats as fear was all over us. We were all waiting with the crude guns we produced locally to defend ourselves and die in the process. That would be better than been captured. The sound of a passing war tank jolted me to life! They are here; shouts of commands by different troop leaders were loud in our ears. Soldiers were moving back and forth. It’s only a matter of time and we would be found”.

“Go and join them, I want to have some rest”. “We heard this statement at the entrance of the cave where we were hiding. Several questions ran across my mind as we exchanged glances. Who wants to rest? Is he coming to rest in this cave? Has the end finally come? Suddenly, we saw an old man walk into the cave. He dropped his gun by his side and lay down to sleep. Phew! The Junta is here all by himself! This was a miracle, I thought. Surely, there must be a God upstairs. If we kill him, the search party would have no choice than to release us and my boss could even the next leader of the country


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