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I met Chinye in high school, we started relating after our second year due to her academic performance and as a result, she was fondly praised by lecturers and colleagues. I got jealoused of this and I really want to know the secret behind her brilliancy and all the mind blowing results. I summoned strength to walk up to her to learn or probably improve on my learning skills. On getting to her I humbly presented myself as she is this simple fellow but not always afraid to talk you out if you behave anyhow and besides so that she will see the seriousness in me and how deliberate I was. I explained myself and truly she has all the listening ears to my jargon and after all the explanations she smiled and asked in a low toned voice "Is that all?" I quickly said yes but I was wondering about her smile what is making her smiling in all that I have said I thought... She brought me back from my thought and asked ' Do you know that everything about us depends on our choice? I answered ehn ehn, how? She said 'Jesus choose to die not just for dying sake but because he has seen into the future of many lives that will be saved and restored as a result of his decision' She continued, Our past, present and future is Christ and so our decisions concerning everything must be centred on Christ, we must decide to stay on it that way, she said. There are some things that I let to flow naturally since I have understood my future and so what keep me going even at odd times was because I have said yes to my 'everything' which is Christ and I stay to succeed for him alone because I know my success will speak of him and it is part of the influencer and tool for acting out his agenda. Chinye's was saying something else not even in line with what I thought she will be saying but I founded that I have no understanding of what succeeding should look like, she wasn't only brilliant but she had this syndrome for success in her. I left understanding that my success is a great tool for his agenda and it is no longer a mixed choice but a YES! 


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