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There is a cold war going on among the superpowers in the Body of Christ; those that weird enormous influence in the Body of Christ in this country. It is a battle for supremacy. I advice you not to join in this fight. Why? If two elephants fight, na the grasses wey dey there go suffer am pass. Laugh! Also, you may not be there the day they will settle their fight.

Paul, in 1 Cor. 3 called those that queued behind different ministers in a divisional perspective BABE; immature, GREEK-NEPIOUS.
All these 'we are the sons of so and so, therefore, we cannot listen to or attend the meeting of that Pastor/Apostle, our father's enemy is also our enemy, etc should cease in 2020.
 Listen, be opened to receive and drink from different streams but, DRINK RESPONSIBLY. Don't swallow everything hook, line and sinker. Except God has given you strict instructions, watch before you park behind anyone and when you have done so,
a. Don't follow dogmatically. Learn to sieve before you drink. Paul says 'follow me AS I FOLLOW CHRIST' 1 Cor. 11:1.
b. Don't discredit other streams. Remember that we all belong to the same body 1Cor. 12:12-27.
Thank God that Church denominational walls are fast crumbling but, Factional walls/denominational alliances are fast springing up. The fact that your spiritual father is not in agreement with others doesn't mean you should follow suit. Nobody is perfect yet.

SPIRITUAL FATHERING IS NOT FOR CLONING THE CHILD TO BECOME LIKE THE FATHER (HUMAN MINISTER). Proverbs  22:6 says 'Train up a child in the way HE SHOULD GO -not the way you want him to go'.
Know that even the best among us can make mistake. Create allowance/excuse for people's mistakes. All these Ministry Caucus/Camps/Alliances creating divisions will not help the agenda of God in our nation in this new decade.
We know in part and prophesy in part. No one has everything altogether yet. The fullness of God has been poured on the Body of Christ and not just on a single individual/part Col. 1:19, 2:9.

No matter the level of your knowledge, you don't yet know the complete plan of God for your life and all the human vessels and other things that will be involved. You don't yet who will helep you in life. If you have spoilt your tomorrow with your actions today, you are on ya own!
Personally, I am not planning to be limited and categorised as belonging to anyone/stream. I belong to Jesus and I am a member of the body of Christ; of His Flesh and of His bones. I have many instructors and mentors in various streams and denominational circles, but I know my spiritual parent, and tribe, I belong to a Church denomination and I serve there.

The bottom line is this, the multifarious and infinite wisdom and the Almightiness of God have been poured on the BODY OF CHRIST AND WILL BE DEMONSTRATED THROUGH THE SAME.
The meaning is this, the possibilities in God that are not within your faction/denomination will be foreign and unavailable to you if you think/behave denominationally/factionally. Denominations in these days are to operate with an interdenominational mindset. God began to raise interdenominational ministries because some denominations have become Old Wineskins unfit to house the New Wine. But, ministries alliances are already repeating this same error.

 Ogas @ the top in various denominations/factions sometimes discredit some things/manifestations unavailable to them so that those within their circles will not go out. Of course, I know that there are some quarters that the spirit of Error reigns in their midst. But, not all criticisms are due to doctrinal inbalances or wrong practices. Some  criticisms are sponsored by envy, jealousy, insecurity, etc. The fact that you don't have some kinds of results doesn't mean you should criticise those who do. John the Baptist performed no miracle yet Jesus Christ rated him as the highest under the Old Covenant Mt. 11:11.
We are to complement each other and not to compete. Our leaders should not also create some unnecessary restrictions to how their followers interact with the remaining members of the Body of Christ. Good shepherds lead the sheep to good pastures sometimes outside their own fields. Selah! Some of your members have grown from being a lamb to a sheep. Sheep can discern the voice of the Great Shepherd whenever/wherever they hear it. Oga Sir, ya blood didn't and can't save anybody. Las Las, they will find out the truth one day and once they take off, they may not come back.
Let God interpret this piece to you and make necessary amendments. God bless you.
Olufemi Solomon.
The author of The Armour of the Endtime Soldier book.


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