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 ABOUT CHRISTIAN SUFFERING This is my response to someone's question about Christian suffering. It is quite lengthy but, I encourage everyone to follow through: CHRISTIAN SUFFERING The concept of suffering for Christ is such that has been grossly misunderstood. My curiosity made me search the scriptures along this line in 2008. WHAT SUFFERING FOR CHRIST IS NOT It is never equal to poverty, suffering sickness, diseases, torment, and afflictions from demons. THESE THINGS ARE FROM THE DEVIL AND GOD WILL NEVER BORROW THE INSTRUMENT OF THE DEVIL TO DEAL WITH HIS CHILDREN EVEN WHEN THEY GO WRONG.             WHAT THE BIBLE HAS TO SAY The Bible does teach about SUFFERING Acts 14:22,  2 Cor. 4:8-11, 1 Pet. 4:14,16. But many things have been mixed and termed 'Christian Suffering'. WHY DO CHRISTIANS SUFFER? Christian suffering can be broadly divided into two: A. SELF INDUCED SUFFERING. B. THE NORMAL CHRISTIAN SUFFERING. A. SELF INDUCED SUFFERING This originates from the following: ✓
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Understanding The New World Order

We have an online weekly meeting that is focused on the times and season. Recently, we had a discussion on the new world order and we felt it should be archived here so that the readers of this blog can be able to access it. --------------------------------------------- Topic: Understanding the New World Order Speaker: Pastor Ebenezer Onomu Tonight as we consider this topic , understanding the new world order. I acknowledged that this topic as it is. , it may sound irrelevant to many, especially the  christocentric brethren, but i want first of all tell you that , this topic become imperative for us who are alive in a time like this, this last days which begin since the day of the Pentecost, and we are the end of the  last days. Why do we need to understand the new world order? (1) Bible says . So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom . (Psalms 90:12 KJV) Either contextually or prophetically nothing in this verse communicate relevance of marking birthday


Hello everyone, I want to share some perspectives concerning the US election. This is quite lengthy piece but, make sure you read through. There are various prophets across the globe that have prophesied at various times that Donald Trump will do two terms in office as the US President. This prophecy has been on at least years before now. But contrary to the words of the prophecy, Joe Biden was announced by the media as the winner of the election. Because of this, the critics of this prophecy have put forward various arguments supporting their claims and some even went to the ridiculous extent of demystifying the prophetic ministry. I will go through some of them and share some other thoughts. 1. YOU ARE BEING TOO RELIGIOUS TO BELIEVE IN A PROPHECY THAT D. T. WILL WIN. The natural points to the spiritual. This planet is governed by spiritual laws and forces. Man is created to be dependent on spiritual forces and if you are an atheist or a free thinker, YOU ARE ACTUALLY MANIFESTING THE

September 2020 Messages

 SIX IMPORTANT LEGS YOU NEED TO HAVE IN YOUR LIFE  by Pastor Femi Solomon How to Effectively Release the Power of God  by Apostle Caleb Zoe Discipleship  by 'Lanre Olaniyi Ruling The Nations  by 'Lanre Olaniyi The Vision of CYA  by Pastor Femi Solomon Do Likewise  by Pastor Sinmi Alao Becoming the Global Brand   by Pastor Femi Solomon The Seven Mountains of Influence   by Pastor Femi Solomon   Things to know about Tongues 1  by Pastor Femi Solomon Things to know about Tongues 2  by Pastor Femi Solomon Things to know about Tongues 3  by Pastor Femi Solomon Things to know about Tongues 4  by Pastor Femi Solomon THE BLESSING  by Pastor Femi Solomon He that OVERCOMETH  by Pastor Femi Solomon

August 2020 Messages

Experiencing Quantum Leap  by Abiodun Adelu Worship, Word and Prayer A Charge on Quantum Leap by Pastor Femi Solomon A Godly Lifestyle  by Pastor Femi Solomon Dealing With Negative Trait  by Pastor Femi Solomon I Have Come To Give You Praise Experiencing Quantum Leap  by Pastor Femi Solomon Quantum Leap  by Timilehin Adelu Faith for Quantum Leap  by Solomon Akintobi Prayer

April 2020 Messages

The Manchild Company (Part A) by Pastor Femi Solomon The Manchilld Company (Part B) by Pastor Femi Solomon The Authority of a Believer by Pastor Femi Solomon The Glory Generation by Pastor Femi Solomon Healing: The Childrens' Bread by Pastor Femi Solomon  The Power of God by Pastor Femi Solomon The Triumphant Church by Pastor Femi Solomon The Project Man by Pastor Femi Solomon


Hello everyone, I welcome you in the name of Him who is, who was and who is to come to another day in this series. Yesterday, I talked about the humanity of Jesus and how He is the prototype of who man should be. Let me conclude on 'Project Man' so that I can go into something else. I have talked about the Divinity and Humanity of Jesus. The balance to this thing is this: JESUS NEVER OPERATED GOD. HE OPERATED 100% AS A MAN. I am going to prove this: A. Apostle Paul told us in Phi. 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:  2:7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:  2:8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross'. It means HE DIDN'T COME TO FUNCTION ON EARTH AS A GOD BUT AS MAN. 2. John 17:5 says 'And now, O Father, gl